webMethods Brochure

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Connect IT all fast – with webMethods, the world’s leading Hybrid Integration and API Management platform

Free your data with webMethods
In today’s connected world, instant access to information is imperative. Agencies, servicemembers, and citizens expect to:

  • Locate and retrieve data from anywhere, anytime
  • Recognize data’s context and applicability
  • Use data as needed to meet their mission
  • Make accurate data-based decisions fast
  • Access and move data securely

That’s a big ask when your agency deals with massive data in many forms … structured in relational databases and unstructured in spreadsheets, images and documents … across on-premises applications, legacy systems like mainframes and GOTS, and cloud-based services.

Connect IT all with webMethods, the #1 data and application integration platform, with an API-first approach utilizing modern agile development and microservices for
speed and flexibility.

Learn more about webMethods by reading the Software AG Government Solutions webMethods brochure.


API-Centered Modernization: Modernize Faster with Less Risk

Application programming interfaces, or APIs, allow data sharing across multiple apps, databases and business needs. An API-centered modernization helps agencies improve productivity, break down silos and accelerate the development of…

The future doesn't wait. Why should you?

Let’s talk about your technologies and infrastructure, so we can keep your mission moving forward.

Speak with a government IT integrations expert