Meet your pain-free partner connection
Eliminate the headaches and fees that come with maintaining multiple G2G systems. With webMethods, you’ll have a single solution for secure transmission and translation of G2G documents—shipping notices, invoices, purchase orders and more.
webMethods G2G/G2B integration solves your problems
- Automating Partner Transactions
- Moving To The Cloud
- Supporting EDI Standards
- Monitoring Transactions
Automating Partner Transactions
Quickly tie your G2G processes to your back-end systems and orchestrate them with webMethods. Onboard trading partners of any size in minutes.
Moving To The Cloud
Transmit business documents in the cloud without any hardware investment. No need to worry about maintenance or upgrades.
Supporting EDI Standards
Save time with out-of-the-box support for EDI standards, including UNEDIFACT, X12, EANCOM, ODETTE, plus RosettaNet® and SWIFT™.
Monitoring Transaction
Transact with trust. With full visibility you can monitor transactions, identify problems in real time, and quickly identify root causes to resolve problems fast.
G2G/G2B integration, simplified
Consolidate on webMethods B2B Integration for your G2G/G2B and Managed File Transfer (MFT) needs. webMethods B2B Integration removes the high costs, confusion and complexity of managing multiple systems and formats. Move your G2G or G2B document exchanges to the cloud to reduce upfront costs, scale as needed and eliminate maintenance and upgrades headaches.

What you can do with webMethods
- Reduce costs by using a single G2G/G2B gateway
- Work in real time, eliminating costly delays and speeding up the way you do business
- Exchange docs with entities of any size and technical capability
- Ensure reliable document transfer through secure EDI over the internet using SSL
- Use a single API gateway to control firewall security, selectively expose APIs, manage partner access and deploy all your B2B capabilities, including EDI and managed file transfers
- Lower TCO with consumption-based pricing
- No IT infrastructure or operational investments
- Onboard trading partners in minutes—easily update and maintain partner details
- Support any G2G/G2B integration use case
- Count on EDI support for ANSI X12, UNEDIFACT, EANCOM, ODETTE, UCS, VICS, VDA and TRADACOMS documents—plus support for XML and RosettaNet
- Simplify with a single easy-to-use platform to exchange files irrespective of the size—delivery guaranteed
- Automate, simplify and speed up interactions with suppliers, customers and business partners of any size
- Secure data when communicating with any trading partner using secure protocols
- Meet regulatory requirements with security, auditing and reporting capabilities
- Easy to use—no proprietary clients or protocols required
Key Benefits
Improve how you manage business partners by using a shared administrative infrastructure. For each partner, you can define all supported messaging transports, document routing information, processing information, security certificates and contact details. Define and store whatever profile data you need to automate and manage your partnerships and ensure the documents are sent and received securely
Save time with self-service
Empower partners to track and manage their own transactions. Partners can easily manage their own profiles and track their own G2G activity, reducing your administrative costs and enhancing your partner relationships.
Control access
Meet compliance requirements and assure top security with stringent role-based access. Control who sees trading partner profiles and the associated transaction data, as well as exactly what information people can see as well as the actions they can take based on their roles. Set role-based access for both people inside your organization and at your trading partners.
Work with many formats
Create and process all types of document formats—from traditional EDI documents using X12 or UN/EDIFACT to those in an industry-specific XML format, to flat-file documents, such as spreadsheets. webMethods works with all document formats equally.
Validate documents
webMethods ensures the data you send and receive is correct and reliable. Validate every document to see that it meets its specifications—no matter if the format is EDI, XML or a flat file.
Support any protocol
webMethods works with any messaging transport protocol, including industry messaging transports, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP and EDIINT, and specialized standards, such as RNIF, ebXML, AS4 and SOAP. Define messaging transport options at the partner level.
Secure & encrypt
Ensure documents are delivered and received securely. webMethods supports industry-standard security and encryption standards and protocols, such as HTTPS, and provides transaction security through partner certificates plus SSL support for Inbound and Outbound Channels, including AS2 and SFTP. Automatic encryption/decryption adds an additional layer of assurance.
Reuse rules
Reduce errors and inefficiencies by implementing consistent and reusable document processing rules. Processing rules provide flexibility in your partner communications and ensure consistent and reliable data. Additionally, any number of email alerts are triggered when process rules are evoked. This feature identifies missing invoice numbers, orders over a certain value or the need to address other attribute corrections.
Integrate with other systems
All trading partner data including extended fields are available to be passed through to webMethods, enabling customized processing flows unique to your agency. Quickly tie your G2G processes to your back-end systems and orchestrate your G2G processes.
Increase visibility
Gain complete end-to-end visibility into G2G transactions across your entire trading network. Track and manage G2G transactions through analytics and a monitoring dashboard and Instantly see the status of your transactions. Transactions are grouped within the monitoring screen enabling the easy identification for specific groups of transactions.
Repair & resubmit messages
When a transaction problem happens, fix it fast. Locate the problem’s source by drilling down into transaction data, including message header and routing information as well as the message payload itself. Then, take corrective or preventive action as needed. You can easily update the transaction payload and resubmit. This saves you from having to wait on your partners to fix an issue on their side and then resend the message.
Create audit logs
A UI for administrators enables transaction log queries. Use deployment logs to show all deployment activity occurring between environments, including who deployed assets—and when.
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